Avatar represents people using icons, labels and images.
import Avatar from 'primevue/avatar';
import AvatarGroup from 'primevue/avatargroup'; //Optional for grouping
A letter Avatar is defined with the label property.
<Avatar label="P" class="mr-2" size="xlarge" />
<Avatar label="V" class="mr-2" size="large" style="background-color: #ece9fc; color: #2a1261" />
<Avatar label="U" class="mr-2" style="background-color: #dee9fc; color: #1a2551" />
<Avatar label="P" class="mr-2" size="xlarge" shape="circle" />
<Avatar label="V" class="mr-2" size="large" style="background-color: #ece9fc; color: #2a1261" shape="circle" />
<Avatar label="U" class="mr-2" style="background-color: #dee9fc; color: #1a2551" shape="circle" />
<OverlayBadge value="4" severity="danger" class="inline-flex">
<Avatar label="U" size="xlarge" />
A font icon is displayed as an Avatar with the icon property.
<Avatar icon="pi pi-user" class="mr-2" size="xlarge" />
<Avatar icon="pi pi-user" class="mr-2" size="large" style="background-color: #ece9fc; color: #2a1261" />
<Avatar icon="pi pi-user" style="background-color: #dee9fc; color: #1a2551" />
<Avatar icon="pi pi-user" class="mr-2" size="xlarge" shape="circle" />
<Avatar icon="pi pi-user" class="mr-2" size="large" style="background-color: #ece9fc; color: #2a1261" shape="circle" />
<Avatar icon="pi pi-user" style="background-color: #dee9fc; color: #1a2551" shape="circle" />
<OverlayBadge value="4" severity="danger" class="inline-flex">
<Avatar icon="pi pi-user" size="xlarge" />
Use the image property to display an image as an Avatar.
<Avatar image="/images/avatar/amyelsner.png" class="mr-2" size="xlarge" shape="circle" />
<Avatar image="/images/avatar/asiyajavayant.png" class="mr-2" size="large" shape="circle" />
<Avatar image="/images/avatar/onyamalimba.png" shape="circle" />
<OverlayBadge value="4" severity="danger" class="inline-flex">
<Avatar class="p-overlay-badge" image="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/organization/walter.jpg" size="xlarge" />
<Avatar image="https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/05dfd4b41340d09cae045235eb0893c3?d=mp" class="flex items-center justify-center mr-2" size="xlarge" />
Grouping is available by wrapping multiple Avatar components inside an AvatarGroup.
<Avatar image="/images/avatar/amyelsner.png" size="large" shape="circle" />
<Avatar image="/images/avatar/asiyajavayant.png" size="large" shape="circle" />
<Avatar image="/images/avatar/onyamalimba.png" size="large" shape="circle" />
<Avatar image="/images/avatar/ionibowcher.png" size="large" shape="circle" />
<Avatar image="/images/avatar/xuxuefeng.png" size="large" shape="circle" />
<Avatar label="+2" shape="circle" size="large" />
Avatar does not include any roles and attributes by default. Any attribute is passed to the root element so you may add a role like img along with aria-labelledby or aria-label to describe the component. In case avatars need to be tabbable, tabindex can be added as well to implement custom key handlers.
Component does not include any interactive elements.