
ConfirmDialog uses a Dialog UI that is integrated with the Confirmation API.

import ConfirmDialog from 'primevue/confirmdialog';

ConfirmDialog is controlled via the ConfirmationService that needs to be installed as an application plugin.

import {createApp} from 'vue';
import ConfirmationService from 'primevue/confirmationservice';

const app = createApp(App);

The service is available with the useConfirm function for Composition API or using the $confirm property of the application for Options API.

import { useConfirm } from "primevue/useconfirm";

const confirm = useConfirm();

ConfirmDialog is displayed by calling the require method of the $confirm instance by passing the options to customize the Dialog. The target attribute is mandatory to align the popup to its referrer.

<Button @click="confirm1()" label="Save" outlined></Button>
<Button @click="confirm2()" label="Delete" severity="danger" outlined></Button>

The position property of the confirm options specifies the location of the Dialog.

<ConfirmDialog group="positioned"></ConfirmDialog>
<div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-2 mb-4">
    <Button @click="confirmPosition('left')" icon="pi pi-arrow-right" label="Left" severity="secondary" style="min-width: 10rem"></Button>
    <Button @click="confirmPosition('right')" icon="pi pi-arrow-left" label="Right" severity="secondary" style="min-width: 10rem"></Button>
<div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-2 mb-4">
    <Button @click="confirmPosition('topleft')" icon="pi pi-arrow-down-right" label="TopLeft" severity="secondary" style="min-width: 10rem"></Button>
    <Button @click="confirmPosition('top')" icon="pi pi-arrow-down" label="Top" severity="secondary" style="min-width: 10rem"></Button>
    <Button @click="confirmPosition('topright')" icon="pi pi-arrow-down-left" label="TopRight" severity="secondary" style="min-width: 10rem"></Button>
<div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-2">
    <Button @click="confirmPosition('bottomleft')" icon="pi pi-arrow-up-right" label="BottomLeft" severity="secondary" style="min-width: 10rem"></Button>
    <Button @click="confirmPosition('bottom')" icon="pi pi-arrow-up" label="Bottom" severity="secondary" style="min-width: 10rem"></Button>
    <Button @click="confirmPosition('bottomright')" icon="pi pi-arrow-up-left" label="BottomRight" severity="secondary" style="min-width: 10rem"></Button>

Templating allows customizing the message content.

<ConfirmDialog group="templating">
    <template #message="slotProps">
        <div class="flex flex-col items-center w-full gap-4 border-b border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700">
            <i :class="slotProps.message.icon" class="!text-6xl text-primary-500"></i>
            <p>{{ slotProps.message.message }}</p>
<Button @click="showTemplate()" label="Save"></Button>

Headless mode is enabled by defining a container slot that lets you implement entire confirmation UI instead of the default elements.

<ConfirmDialog group="headless">
    <template #container="{ message, acceptCallback, rejectCallback }">
        <div class="flex flex-col items-center p-8 bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-900 rounded">
            <div class="rounded-full bg-primary text-primary-contrast inline-flex justify-center items-center h-24 w-24 -mt-20">
                <i class="pi pi-question text-5xl"></i>
            <span class="font-bold text-2xl block mb-2 mt-6">{{ message.header }}</span>
            <p class="mb-0">{{ message.message }}</p>
            <div class="flex items-center gap-2 mt-6">
                <Button label="Save" @click="acceptCallback" class="w-32"></Button>
                <Button label="Cancel" outlined @click="rejectCallback" class="w-32"></Button>
<Button @click="requireConfirmation()" label="Save"></Button>

Screen Reader

ConfirmDialog component uses alertdialog role along with aria-labelledby referring to the header element however any attribute is passed to the root element so you may use aria-labelledby to override this default behavior. In addition aria-modal is added since focus is kept within the popup.

When require method of the $confirm instance is used and a trigger is passed as a parameter, ConfirmDialog adds aria-expanded state attribute and aria-controls to the trigger so that the relation between the trigger and the dialog is defined.

<ConfirmDialog id="confirm" />

<Button @click="openDialog()" label="Confirm" :aria-expanded="visible" :aria-controls="visible ? 'confirm' : null"></Button>

<script setup>
const confirm = useConfirm();
const isVisible = ref(false);

const openDialog = () => {
        message: 'Are you sure you want to proceed?',
        header: 'Confirmation',
        onShow: () => {
            isVisible.value = true;
        onHide: () => {
            isVisible.value = false;

Overlay Keyboard Support

tabMoves focus to the next the focusable element within the dialog.
shift + tabMoves focus to the previous the focusable element within the dialog.
escapeCloses the dialog.

Buttons Keyboard Support

enterCloses the dialog.
spaceCloses the dialog.
Theme Designer