Dialogs can be created dynamically with any component as the content using a DialogService.
import DynamicDialog from 'primevue/dynamicdialog';
A single shared dialog instance is required in the application, ideal location would be defining it once at the main application template.
<DynamicDialog />
A dynamic dialog is controlled via the DialogService that needs to be installed as an application plugin.
import {createApp} from 'vue';
import DialogService from 'primevue/dialogservice';
const app = createApp(App);
The service is available with the useDialog function for Composition API or using the $dialog property of the application for Options API.
/* Composition API */
import { useDialog } from 'primevue/usedialog';
const dialog = useDialog();
/* Options API */
const dialog = this.$dialog;
The open function of the DialogService is used to open a Dialog. First parameter is the component to load and second one is the configuration object to customize the Dialog.
import ProductListDemo from './ProductListDemo';
import { useDialog } from 'primevue/usedialog';
const dialog = useDialog();
const showProducts = () => {
dialog.open(ProductListDemo, {});
The component can also be loaded asynchronously, this approach is useful in conditional cases and to improve initial load times as well.
import { useDialog } from 'primevue/usedialog';
const dialog = useDialog();
const dynamicComponent = defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./ProductListDemo.vue'));
const showProducts = () => {
dialog.open(dynamicComponent, {});
DynamicDialog uses the Dialog component internally, visit dialog for more information about the available props.
import ProductListDemo from './ProductListDemo';
import { useDialog } from 'primevue/usedialog';
const dialog = useDialog();
const showProducts = () => {
dialog.open(ProductListDemo, {
props: {
header: 'Product List',
style: {
width: '50vw',
'960px': '75vw',
'640px': '90vw'
modal: true
The close function is available through a dialogRef that is injected to the component loaded by the dialog.
import { inject } from "vue";
const dialogRef = inject('dialogRef');
const closeDialog = () => {
Use the data property to pass parameters when opening a Dialog, the internal component can later access this data using dialogRef.
const dialog = useDialog();
const showProducts = () => {
dialog.open(ProductListDemo, {
data: {
user: 'primetime'
import { inject, onMounted } from "vue";
const dialogRef = inject('dialogRef');
onMounted(() => {
const params = dialogRef.value.data; // {user: 'primetime'}
Similarly when hiding a Dialog, any parameter passed to the close function is received from the onClose callback.
const dialog = useDialog();
const showProducts = () => {
dialog.open(ProductListDemo, {
onClose: (opt) => {
const callbackParams = opt.data; // {selectedId: 12}
import { inject } from "vue";
const dialogRef = inject('dialogRef');
const closeDialog = () => {
selectedId: 12
The emits object defines callbacks to handle events emitted by the component within the Dialog.
import ProductListDemo from './ProductListDemo';
import { useDialog } from 'primevue/usedialog';
const dialog = useDialog();
const showProducts = () => {
dialog.open(ProductListDemo, {
onCancel: (e) => {
console.log(e); // {user: 'primetime'}
emits: {
onSave: (e) => {
console.log(e); // {user: 'primetime'}
<script setup>
/* ProductListDemo.vue */
const emit = defineEmits(['cancel', 'save'])
function buttonClick() {
emit('cancel', {user: 'primetime'});
function saveButtonClick() {
emit('save', {user: 'primetime'});
A sample implementation to demonstrate loading components asynchronously, nested content and passing data.
<Button label="Select a Product" icon="pi pi-search" @click="showProducts" />
<DynamicDialog />
Visit accessibility section of dialog component for more information.