A modern and easy to use premium application template with highly customizable layout features. Based on a bootstrap styling, it is fully responsive, touch optimized, built with SASS, CSS3 and HTML5.
The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.
Visit the official documentation for more information.
Avalon offers you 2 uniquely designed layout modes to choose from; Light and Dark.
Avalon offers 10 built-in themes and creating your own theme is a matter of defining couple of SaSS variables.
Avalon has 7 menu layouts to choose from; Static, Overlay, Slim, Slim+, Reveal, Drawer and Horizontal with Light and Dark options.
Avalon comes with 11 topbar themes guaranteeing an enviable design.
> npm install or yarn
> npm run dev or yarn dev
Avalon is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices.
Mail, File System, Tasks, Calendar, Blog and Chat are the sample applications to get started with ease.
Avalon offers E-commerce pages to kickstart your e-commerce project powered by PrimeBlocks.
Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.
The demo content is built with TailwindCSS, while the application shell uses custom CSS, offering flexibility and efficiency for responsive design.
Avalon ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTek’s modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.
Avalon is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.
First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.
PrimeTek offers assistance with account management and licensing issues, with the expectation that users have the necessary technical knowledge to use our products, as we do not offer technical support or consulting. Users can seek assistance in our community via our public Discord and Forum.
Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.
Superior standards with 100% compatibility for strict mode and linting tools.
Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.