A modern and easy to use premium application template with highly customizable layout features. Based on a bootstrap styling, it is fully responsive, touch optimized, built with SASS, CSS3 and HTML5.
The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.
Visit the official documentation for more information.
Avalon offers you 2 uniquely designed layout modes to choose from; Light and Dark.
Avalon offers 10 built-in themes and creating your own theme is a matter of defining couple of SaSS variables.
Avalon has 7 menu layouts to choose from; Static, Overlay, Slim, Slim+, Reveal, Drawer and Horizontal with Light and Dark options.
Avalon comes with 11 topbar themes guaranteeing an enviable design.
> npm install or yarn
> npm run dev or yarn dev
Avalon is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices.