
Tooltip directive provides advisory information for a component.

import Tooltip from 'primevue/tooltip';

app.directive('tooltip', Tooltip);

There are four choices to position the tooltip, default value is right and alternatives are top, bottom, left.

<InputText v-tooltip="'Enter your username'" type="text" placeholder="Right" />
<InputText"'Enter your username'" type="text" placeholder="Top" />
<InputText v-tooltip.bottom="'Enter your username'" type="text" placeholder="Bottom" />
<InputText v-tooltip.left="'Enter your username'" type="text" placeholder="Left" />

Event to display the tooltip is defined as a modifier, default event is hover.

<InputText"'Enter your username'" type="text" placeholder="Focus" />

Tooltip gets hidden when mouse leaves the target element by default, set autoHide to false to customize this behavior so that tooltip stays open when the cursor is on the tooltip.

<InputText v-tooltip.bottom="{ value: 'Enter your username', autoHide: false }" type="text" placeholder="autoHide: false" />
<InputText v-tooltip.bottom="'Enter your username'" type="text" placeholder="autoHide: true" />

Delays to the enter and leave events are defined with showDelay and hideDelay options respectively.

<Button v-tooltip="{ value: 'Confirm to proceed', showDelay: 1000, hideDelay: 300 }" label="Save" />

A tooltip sample with a custom style and content.

        value: 'PrimeVue Rocks',
        pt: {
            arrow: {
                style: {
                    borderBottomColor: 'var(--p-primary-color)'
            text: '!bg-primary !text-primary-contrast !font-medium'

Screen Reader

Tooltip component uses tooltip role and when it becomes visible the generated id of the tooltip is defined as the aria-describedby of the target.

Keyboard Support

escapeCloses the tooltip when focus is on the target.
Theme Designer